It's been 3 weeks since we left GA. We went to the beach today and it was finally a nice day! It wasn't freezing like the last two time! The water was cold though, after 10 minutes my legs were numb and when i got out they were bright red. The only thing was that the beach that we were gonna go to originally was closed because parking was full, so we ended up going to a different one and the traffic was horrible! Coming and going it was pretty bad. Before we left some guy saw Rickey's shirt which says something about Jesus and he came over and talked to my dad. Apparently he was going through a lot of challenges in life and he just started talking about how he knows God will help him and stuff. He wasn't one of those weird people that just come up and start trying to preach to you though. He was actually kinda cool and he asked us pray for him and whatnot, it was just one of those you have to be there moments. And now we're back in the bus. Renzo's trying to make a match rocket, or something like that with the boys and I'm doing this. Dad has been working on plumbing and propane the last couple of weeks with out grandpa. And that's it I guess, nothing to interesting.
Love you guys, Jacque
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